Hannah Barney
HOW TO Know when you’re ready for a new furnace
So the winter season is finally here. Which means sadly you’ve had to give up and turn on your heat. If you’ve been in your home for a while now, you’re going to notice if your home heating is up to par. Or if every winter there seems to be something else wrong with your unit. If you moved in with the furnace already there, there’s a chance that you might not even know how long it’s been there. So how do you know when it’s finally time for a new furnace?
When to say hello to a new furnace
We know that a new furnace is probably not at the top of your list for what you want to spend your money on. But you also know that your home heating is important to your everyday home life. Living here in the Midwest, it’s a necessary evil to have your home heating in top shape.

Even if you’ve been in your home for years, it’s still hard to know when a repair just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Depending on the make and model, your furnace might have been able to go years over it’s life estimate. The life estimate for an average furnace is 18-20 years. If your unit is older, it’s definitely time to be thinking about replacement.
3 signs it’s time to say goodbye
1. Inconsistent Temperature
Do you find yourself constantly checking the thermostat? Or find huge differences in temperature from room to room? Depending on the age and setup of your home (ductwork), your furnace is telling you something is not working right. Your home shouldn’t have noticeable temperature differences throughout.
2. Higher Heating Bills
Have you noticed considerably higher bills, but haven’t changed your usage? If you’ve been in your home for a few years and noticed this, it might not just be the rising costs of home heating. Your unit is no longer efficiently heating your home and likely higher in age.
3. Endless Repairs
This depends somewhat on how extensive the repairs are, but still a key factor. If you’ve had 3 more repairs or spent more than 50% of what a new furnace would cost, it’s time to replace. New high efficient units won’t give you endless trouble with repairs – plus they will save you $ in the long run!